UX Lead
4 weeks
Figma, Figjam, Mixpanel, Zoom, Typeform, OneSignal
As UX Lead, I used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods to develop actionable insights into user goals, pain points, and expectations. Based on these insights, I designed potential solutions for review with Clyx’s Founder and Head of Growth. After reaching a consensus, I communicated the solution via user flows and wireframes to the dev teams before completing the handover by providing the finalised designs.
Clyx’s core monetisation strategy revolves around advertising partner content for users to join and go to in-person. Currently, this is achieved by business accounts posting their own events.
While events hosted by our partners fit easily in to the existing event discovery flows, many partners want to advertise their venues irrespective of a hosted event.
So, how do we advertise un-hosted content?
% of users who engage in partner content in their first 30 days
% of converted users who who engage in partner content for a second time
% difference in D7, & D30 on or after retention for relevant cohorts
Through data analysis, we developed an initial understanding of users' content creation behaviour, focusing the types of events and details
Based on specific cohorts, we conducted stratified sampling
Through interviews and surveys, we developed insights into users’ off-Clyx behaviour when finding venues, especially what information they prioritise, how they make decisions, and how they invite others. By analysing user data and navigation patterns, we then researched how this new feature could fit into our current ecosystem.
Images, proximity, & reviews are key factors
When looking for venues, users tend to look for this information to narrow their search.
Users need flexibility on what they decide first
The first decision in the organisational process fluctuates based on a variety of factors.
User-events outperform business-hosted events
Clyx's key value prop is to meet new people IRL. The more people-focused an event is, the better.
Only creators open the create flow regularly
We want to target all users, not just creators. For this feature to have high top-of-funnel, it needs its own space.
Insight-driven brainstorming
After researching, we developed a pool of possible solutions backed by our insights.
To synthesise our potential solutions, we thematically grouped them to combine overlapping options.
Development cost analysis
Finally, we compared expected dev costs to find the right balance of cost and potential benefit.
Next, we began the design process by creating wireframes - focusing on information architecture while minimising development cost.
Once we came to our chosen solution, we mapped it out in a user flow to ensure clarity and alignment with our insights.
Finally, we began the handover process by communicating the user flow and wireframes to the FE & BE teams for a technical review.
The key element of our chosen solution is it's flexibility for testing. With its own page, we're able to adjust the context and ordering in which we present the content without interfering with other features. Outside of testing, the feature provides suggestions in a clear and easily navigable way, allowing users to explore and find something they love quickly.
Key info is highlighted early
Based on our research, images, proximity, and reviews are the three strongest factors when deciding between venues. To help users make decisions faster, this info is clearly displayed on the outside of all suggestions.
Testing user-centric categorisation
The discover page utilises user-specific categorisation to offer personalised suggestions. Each section can easily be swapped out to create new combinations for multivariate testing.
Testing activity-type categorisation
In the case where users are looking for an idea that is specific to a type of activity, category filters are available at the top of the page. The ordering of these categories is flexible based on the types of activities we see the most demand for.
Conversion to joining
% of active users who have joined a suggestion-created-event
Conversion to posting
% of active users who have created a suggestion-event
Repeat conversion to posting
% of converted users who use a suggested event twice in 30 days
+12 pp
Higher D30 posting cohort retention
D30 retention for posting cohort against the non-converted cohort.
Merger with feed
Most users don't open the discover page frequently enough.
So, to further increase top of funnel and reduce the number of features the user needs to learn, we merged the discover page with the home feed.
Retaining idea originator
The cohort of users who have joined events created from suggestions, don't convert to creating from a suggestion any more frequently.
When a user creates an event from an idea, the source of the idea is shown alongside the user who turned it in to an event.