Clyx is an events app for making friends.
Join curated events to meet likeminded attendees or create your own to meet new friends at your favourite spots. To help you connect before meeting IRL, every event has its own group chat & profiles have a ton of
space to express yourself.
Home feed
Full of local events & people looking to meet up, you can find something to do and people to do it with in just two taps.
Users can also curate their feed by adding interests, joining events, and connecting with new friends. The more you use Clyx, the more unique it is to you.
Events are Clyx's core mechanism for connecting users. In addition to the details, each event has a list of everyone who's going and a group chat to meet each other before attending IRL.
Events on Clyx range from nights out to yoga retreats, though the most popular events are often wellness related.
Find something you love from our collection of suggested ideas and post it to the feed in two taps.
The discover page is also one of Clyx's core monetisation features, allowing us to promote our partners' events and venues while also providing value to users.
Get to know the other event attendees and coordinate any last info before you show up.
You can also send DMs and create group chats to stay connected with new friends and go to more events together.
Maintain easy access to all the events you join with your calendar. You can also sync your Clyx calendar with iCal to keep track of your schedule.
Post anything you'd like to do & we'll find likeminded people who want to join you. Simple as that.
The creation flow also has a ton of option flexibility, enabling you to post anything from a coffee meet up to a ticketed weekly workshop.
Tell everyone about yourself & keep friends in the loop with the events your going to.
You can also further curate your Clyx experience by adding interests and relevant details like age and gender.